KONE Hotel life

What is predictive maintenance?

In short, it’s a service that uses AI-based analytics to identify and fix potential issues in your elevators and escalators before they cause problems. Our predictive maintenance is called KONE 24/7 Connected Services.

Hotel visitors can be critical

Considering the amount of online reviews and social media coverage, the meaning of guest experience is crucial. This is why predictive maintenance is a must-have, if you are looking to ensure a pleasant stay and maintain a good brand image. A sense of reliability is easy to lose and hard to earn back.


Better brand image:

Avoiding major problems means better customer experiences, better reviews, and together with superior service, justifies premium room prices.


Smooth people flow:

Intelligent predictive maintenance reduces disruptions and improves people flow during peak hours.

KONE Hotel life


Less downtime, fewer complaints:

Automatic reporting and analysis of issues makes it possible to reduce downtime and guest complaints.


Optimizing through data:

With cutting-edge data, it’s easier to optimize people flow, prolong equipment lifetime, and make informed investment decisions.

“Hotel visitors are paying for the whole experience. If something goes wrong – it’s no good. In a way, KONE 24/7 Connected Services is like insurance to avoid negative feedback.”

Kristoffer Ekström, Sales Manager, KONE Finland

Contact us

Sample form

Sample form


My query is about *|Installing new equipment in a new building|Installing new equipment in an existing building|Repairing or upgrading existing equipment|Maintenance|24/7 Connected Services|Other
Equipment/service type *|Elevators|Autowalks|Escalators|People Flow planning|Other

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